How To Revise Form 10B & 10BB - Your Comprehensive Guide!

Описание к видео How To Revise Form 10B & 10BB - Your Comprehensive Guide!

Team NGOenabler and today in this video I shall discuss regarding the possibility of revising Form 10B/10BB i.e. the tax audit report and the income tax return for charitable organisations.

With the newly introduced Forms 10B and 10BB in the previous financial year 2022-23, a lot of queries and confusions arose. Many organizations' either filled the incorrect form or reflected the incorrect figures at the right place. Some of those though filled the correct figures but did it at the wrong place in the altogether new forms. These errors have led to a lot of organizations receiving notice u/s 143(1)(a) due to mismatch in figures reflected in the Form 10B or 10BB and the corresponding figures as reflected in Income tax return.
How To Revise Form 10B & 10BB?
How To Revise Form 10B?
How To Revise Form 10BB ?
Revision of form 10B


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