S. Korea aims for technological innovation amid fierce global race

Описание к видео S. Korea aims for technological innovation amid fierce global race

과기부, 민간중심 혁신 계획 발표...尹대통령 'R&D투자, 원천기술 집중해야'

President Yoon Suk-yeol met with Cabinet members in charge of Science, ICT and Labor.
The South Korean leader ordered the government to invest more in source technology.
Yoon Jung-min brings the highlights from that session.
South Korea's science road-map under President Yoon Suk-yeol will focus on developing 'super gap' competencies in the global realm driven by the private sector.
That's according to the science ministry on Friday, during its first policy briefing to the President.

"We will newly establish state innovation based on cooperation with the private sector, and ensure prosperity of the nation and society through spreading pioneering technological innovation and digital innovation."

The first step to be taken is to better manage research and development project funds, so that more budgets can be directed toward the development of "strategic technology."
Unnecessary regulations will be removed.
For instance, preliminary assessments will be exempt for R&D projects worth less than around 76-million U.S. dollars, from the current 38-million, and assessment period will be cut down for relatively smaller-scale projects.

"President Yoon ordered the ministry to make R&D investments in future strategic technology and source technologies with greater ripple effects."

To bolster new technologies like quantum, bio or 6G, the government will work together with private companies and use more funds to secure source technology or patents over the next few years.
More money will be spent in developing technologies in chips and artificial intelligence.

Yoon also urged his Science and ICT minister to create a special program for fostering top-class talent and come up with an action plan for opening a space economy.

This is also in line with the labor ministry's policy plan unveiled on the same day... designed to nurture some 180-thousand people by 2024 to secure enough workforce in sectors like AI and big data.

"The Yoon administration has laid out a road map that places much emphasis on creating a positive synergy between the private and public sectors and boosting the nation's competitive edge as a global race for technological advancement heats up. The key now is how well what's on paper is implemented and executed in real life.
Yoon Jung-min, Arirang News."

#R&Dinvestments #YoonSukyeol #sourcetechnology

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2022-07-15, 22:00 (KST)


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