GTA V - Fresh Meat,The Ballad of Rocco and Cleaning out the Bureau missions

Описание к видео GTA V - Fresh Meat,The Ballad of Rocco and Cleaning out the Bureau missions

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Franklin heads to his old house in Strawberry. He sees his auntie and her friends leave on one of their walks, chanting. Trevor appears and shouts at the group to shut up before greeting Franklin. Trevor jumps over Franklins fence but trips. Franklin finds this hilarious but Trevor doesn't and starts shouting at Franklin.

When Trevor calms down, Franklin tells him Lester has some information on Michael whereabouts. Franklin asks about what happened in North Yankton and Trevor describes his partnership with Wei Cheng and that they grab Michael. Franklin wants to go find him but Trevor doesn't want to come so Franklin heads out to find Michael on his own with help from Lester.

Lester sends Franklin the Trackify app. Michael phone came back online so they use that to track him. Play then switches to Michael, who is hanging upside down in a meat-packing factory, being interrogated by Wei Cheng and some of his men. Michael tries to pursue Cheng that he's not Trevor's lover but Cheng doesn't believe him and turns on a food processor. Michael slowly starts to move towards the food processor and will be killed if Franklin doesn't get there in enough time.

The Trackify app directs Franklin to the Raven Slaughterhouse in Cypress Flats. Once there, Franklin takes out any of Cheng's men as he makes his way around the slaughterhouse. Once Franklin finds Michael, he chucks Michael a pistol and the play now switches to him as he shots down more of Cheng's men.

When the coast is clear, Michael shoots the shackles that are holding him upside down, freeing himself. He and Franklin escape the slaughterhouse and deal with any other of Cheng's men that come their way. They get into Franklins car and head to Michael's house. Once at Michaels house, He thanks Franklin for his help and tells him the full story of what happened between him and Trevor.

Michael heads to Backloy City to meet up with Solomon. There, he finds Solomon being accosted and beaten by Rocco and Gianni. Rocco yets at Solomon about his contract saying they had a deal. Rocco and Gianni get into a Fugitive and leave the lot.

Solomon asks Michael to chase after them and he gladly agrees. Michael chases them through Los Santos, catches up to them and kills them both.

After the task is complete Michael will call Solomon and tell him the news. Solomon will ask Michael to come to the studio as he has something to show Michael. Michael can reject the invitation but if he doesn't, Michael head back to Backlot City and meet Solomon in his office.

Solomon shows him the end credits to his new movie. He's listed Michael as an Associate Producer. Michael is taken back by the gesture and shares a drink with Solomon. After he leaves Solomons office, he calls Amanda and leaves a message, telling her the good news.

Michael heads to Darnell Bros to meet up with Lester. They're soon joined by Dave. Dave says the shit is about to hit the fan and says if Michael sorts out a problem for him, he'll get Haines off of his back. Michael asks what will happen if he doesn't to which Dave replies that he will go to jail and Michael will get shot.

Haines joins the group, asking if Dave had briefed them yet. Haines' illegal activity is under threat of being exposed. He wants Michael to destroy any evidence there is against him. However, Lester cannot hack the system and the only way to access it is through the FIB buildings.

Haines' says to Michael that if he does this, he'll make sure all his files are deleted too, giving Michael a clean slate. Micheal agrees but says it's the last thing he'll do for the Haines and the FIB. Michael and Lester head to the FIB building to scope it out.

To gain entry to the building, Lester comes up with a plan. They'll steal an ID badge from one of the janitors. He found a particular guy called Harvey Molina. They wait outside the FIB's parking garage for Harvey to leave in his car and tail him back to his apartment in West Vinewood.

Michael follows Harvey into his apartment and says he'll fill Harvey's pockets with money. All he's got to do is take a little vacation and give Michael his overalls and ID. Harvey agrees and gives Michael a duffle bag filled with the items.

Michael and Lester head back to Darnell Bros where Franklin is waiting for them. Michael tells Franklin of the job and Lester tells them he needs more information, particularly blueprints of the FIB building. Franklin agrees to tail the building's designer, Chip Peterson, to get them.


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