Drug Crime Lawyers in Los Angeles - Takakjian & Sitkoff, LLP

Описание к видео Drug Crime Lawyers in Los Angeles - Takakjian & Sitkoff, LLP

Drug Crime Defense http://www.formerdistrictattorneys.co... The severity of drug offense penalties vary depending on two factors, which are whether the intent to procure or actual possession of the substance was for personal use or for profit. While possession for personal use has been somewhat decriminalized depending on the substance in question, the majority of drug possession arrests result in felony charges. Possession for personal use is viewed as less serious and is eligible for dismissal through drug diversion programs depending on one's prior criminal record. Alternatively, possession or transportation with intent to sell is prosecuted far more aggressively and is NOT eligible for drug diversion programs. Simple possession of marijuana is typically charged as a misdemeanor unless the substance is found in a concentrated form, such as a capsule or oil. Possession of cocaine is a felony offense. Possession of heroin is a felony offense. Possession of methamphetamines is a "wobbler" offense meaning it can be prosecuted as a felony or misdemeanor, although the arrest is typically made at felony level. As a result, possessing prescription drugs such as oxycodone, hydrocodone and other opium-derived pain relievers and many anti-anxiety meds, such as Xanax and Adderall can result in felony charge if you do not have your valid physician's prescription at the time of the police contact. To learn more about your options and potential outcomes, please contact Takakjian & Sitkoff, LLP


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