Rare and Unusual Tropical Fruit Trees - Champa Nursery of El Monte

Описание к видео Rare and Unusual Tropical Fruit Trees - Champa Nursery of El Monte

We were lucky enough to get a tour of Champa Nursery. A location with a mission to bring rare and exotic tropical fruits to LA.

Champa website and information:

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Sakuya by Peritune http://peritune.com/
Promoted by MrSnooze    • Видео  
Creative Commons — CC BY 3.0 https://goo.gl/Yibru5

Sakuya2 by Peritune http://peritune.com/
Promoted by MrSnooze    • Видео  
Creative Commons — CC BY 3.0 https://goo.gl/Yibru5


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