IQAir Health Pro Plus vs. Austin Air Health Mate Compare 2024

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IQAir Health Pro Plus vs. Austin Air Health Mate Compare

Buy IQAir HealthPro Plus on Amazon:
Buy Austin Air Healthmate on Amazon:

00:00 Introduction
00:45 Where Manufactured?
01:03 How Long have they been on the Market?
01:47 Maintenance Intervals
02:41 Cost of Ownership: Filter Replacements
04:01 Cost of Ownership: Energy Consumption
05:23 Total Cost of Ownership: Energy + Filters
06:35 Area Coverage
07:33 Noise Levels
08:22 Particulate Filtration
09:51 Odor and VOC Filtration
11:49 Warranty Length
12:25 Longevity/Reliability
13:33 Digital/Remote Options
14:27 Customer Service Levels
16:27 Aesthetics
17:07 Application Ratings
20:28 Final Score Totals
21:43 Summary
Let's take a head-to-head look at the IQAir HealthPro Plus and the Austin Air Healthmate and compare them side by side for many different variables and applications. I have an IQAir Healthpro Plus in my home and I ran one at my desk for 10 years and I sold thousands of them over 15 years and received a lot of feedback from many customers. And I have 2 Austin Air Healtmates running in my home for over 15 years now, and I've sold over a thousand of them over 15 years, as well. These are 2 of the best brands and units that I've worked with through the years out of 50 or so brands so let's do a comparison.

Where are they manufactured? The IQAir HealthPro Plus is manufactured in Switzerland and the Austin Air Healthmate is manufactured in Buffalo, NY. So it is manufactured in the United States. The Austin Air Healthmate has a steel exterior frame and IQAir HealthPro Plus has a plastic exterior frame.

How long have they been on the market? Both units have been in the US market for over 20 years and there has been very little change to these units over the past 20 or so years, as well. The Healthpro plus did have an upgrade to its fan several years ago - and they called the newer units the New Edition and all the HealthPro Plus units sold are now New Edition units and have been for several years. The upgrade made the unit more energy efficient and 32% quieter.

What are the maintenance intervals on the two units? The IQAir HealthPro Plus has three filters that get changed after different intervals: The Prefilter gets changed every 18 months, The V5 Gas and Odor Carbon filter gets replaced about every 2 years and the HyperHEPA filter gets replaced about every 4 years. IQAir Health Pro Plus vs. Austin Air Health Mate Compare

Let's Look at the Cost of Ownership for Filter Replacements for the two solutions with current pricing. The IQAir Premax Prefilter: is $79, the V5 Gas and Odor Filter with Carbon: is $99.00, and the HyperHEPA Filter is $199.00. If you change these filters at the recommended intervals over 10 years you would pay a total of $1,367. The Austin Air Healthmate has a combination 2 in-1 filter that combines the HEPA filter with the carbon + you get a wrap-around prefilter and all that costs about $290 these days. Health Pro Plus Health Mate Compare So you would pay $787 more for the IQAir filter replacements over 10 years which is 235% more than the Austin Air Healthmate filter replacements - you would be paying more than double for the IQAir HealthPro Plus filter replacements over 10 years. So the cost of replacement filters over 10 years is in favor of the Austin Air Healthmate.

Let's look at the Cost of Ownership on Energy Consumption between the 2 units. The IQAir HealthPro Plus on High Speed which is speed 6 provides 300 CFMs and uses 215 watts. The Austin Air Healthmate on High speed = 250 CFMs at 132 watts. So, on High speed, you get 20% more CFMs w/ the IQAir HealthPro Plus but you pay 32% more for the electricity for it. The current average electricity rate in the US is 16.09 cents per kWh. And if you extrapolate that over 1 year it would be $94.66 more for the HealthPro Plus to run per year, on high speed, on average... Or over 10 years it would be about $945 more in energy costs to run the HealthPro Plus... but again, you would get 20% more CFMs. So, the Austin Air Healthmate is going to be less expensive to run when it comes to energy consumption for similar CFMs vs. the IQAir HPP.

The Additional Total Cost of Ownership for the IQAir HealthPro Plus would be the Total Additional cost of Filter replacements plus the additional Energy consumption costs: So if we add up the additional replacement filter costs of $787 and the additional energy costs of $945 for the IQAir HealthPro Plus to run on high speed...


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