All About PostgreSQL's Security

Описание к видео All About PostgreSQL's Security

PostgreSQL provides different levels of security. This talk will cover all the available security techniques used in PostgreSQL 13. We’ll look at client-side security (LibPq, JDBC) through to server-side security. It will cover all supported authentication methods and the pros and cons of all these methods. Some of the key features of the talk are: - Introduction to Cryptography - SSL, TLS, GSSAPI, and OpenSSL - Client-Side Encryption - Securing Authentication - Securing Data on the disk - Securing Backup & Basebackup - Securing Replication - Database Roles and Privileges It’s important to be familiar with all the security levels such as (1)network-level security (2) on-disk security (3) row-level, (4), and column level security. The talk will cover all the aspects with some real-life use cases and examples.


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