Stop, Drop and Roll: Kindergarten Kids Learn the Basics of Fire Safety

Описание к видео Stop, Drop and Roll: Kindergarten Kids Learn the Basics of Fire Safety

By Video Journalist Waldo Cabrera

Kindergarten kids are taught the basics of fire safety as they learn to stop, drop and roll in gym class. They carwl through a display of "pretend fire and smoke" to then practice what they learned. This knowledge is very important to teach from a young age so it can always be remembered. It teaches them not to panic if they were ever in this situation. They learn to trust these big men in big gear who might of sacred them before and how to walk the ladder, the process and how serious a fire really is.This event brings many parents which allows them to see their kids in action, the importance of having meeting places in the case of ever getting split up during a fire and keeping them aware of hazaards that could lead to fires at home.The children didn't just get to practice stopping, dropping and rolling but they also used team work and pretended to be a team of fire fighters to put out pretend fires. The objective was to have these kids walk out and feel safe, feel prepared to not just save their own lives but to help others and let themselves be help.

Featured Interviews: Dr. Alise Guarnaschelli, Principal, Unity Drive Pre-K / Kindergarten Center; Rollin Haffer, Physical Education Teacher; Monica Welter, Parent; Gina Catapano, Parent

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