Basel (Basle) Trams, January 2010

Описание к видео Basel (Basle) Trams, January 2010

Trams Ancient & Modern.

Green BVB city trams and yellow BLT regional trams share the same intensive meter gauge network. There is a huge variety of cars in use, coupled together in innumerable combinations. There are even some veteran Schindler Swiss Standard trams, well maintained and still giving good service after forty years. The trailers have been adapted so that every tram set has at least one low-floor easy access section.

I have to say that personally I much prefer the solid green colour of the older trams to the wishy-washy "modern" pale green of the new Combinos.

The museum tram is owned by Tramclub Basle who run a sightseeing tour on Sundays.


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