2015 Mayapur Jhulan Yatra - Kirtan led by H.G. Vishaka devi dasi. Day-2

Описание к видео 2015 Mayapur Jhulan Yatra - Kirtan led by H.G. Vishaka devi dasi. Day-2

2015 Mayapur Jhulan Yatra - Kirtan led by H.G. Vishaka devi dasi. Day-2. Jhulan Yatra was held outside Srila Prabhupada's Quarters at the Lotus building during this special 50th. Anniversary Celebration of Srila Prabhupada departure for America on the Jaladuta in Kolkata, India. This was the first time and maybe last time that the Jhulan Yatra was held on the roof of the Temple. Video capture, editing and up-loading to You Tube by Pandava dasa. http://www.jpsarchives.com

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