MiracleBag Comparison of 1 micron and 5 micron filter material.

Описание к видео MiracleBag Comparison of 1 micron and 5 micron filter material.

Pool water filter miracle-bag, instead of sand filter, too


Made of industrial water filtration material of 1 or 5 microns with nipple insertion possibility.
Size: 100 x 15 cm
Available on request with 25 cm nipple, with a conical adapter at the end of the tube, which is adjustable to the nozzle of most of mobile pools (27 mm)

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Pay-pal, bank transfer. (Unfortunately, cash on delivery is not possible because of the high fee)

The product is shipped from Hungary.
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If you are not satisfied with it, we refund the price of the product within 2 weeks of delivery.
For this you do not need to send back the product, it is enough to send me a good quality video as proof, where you cut the bag into eight pieces in cross direction.

(A buyer send the last two photos, who filtered the rust from eight cubic meters water on 2nd June 2017 with a normal recirculation pump within thirty-eight hours. On the last photo, you can see the final result.)

Product description:
This pool water filter is able to filter out all floating dirt from the pool water, including those impurities too, which cause the opaque breakage of the water. The water rotators provided with paper filters are not able to filter out completely these impurities. (In most cases it filters the rust precipitating from the water of the drilled wells, as you can see on the photos.)

The miracle-bag has the same efficiency as the sand filter, respectively it is better and you can achieve the desired result faster with a pump of larger output.
It is able to replace the sand filter used in conjunction with an already existing paper-filter water rotator.
Its use is much simpler than that of the sand filters and the amount of water used to clean the sand filter can also be saved.

The water rotator provided with paper filter is able to filter most of larger impurities and the filter bag connected after the water rotator catches the impurities passed through the paper filter. Depending on the degree of pollution, the bag becomes tighter as it fills the dirt. When it becomes tight, it is advisable to clean it, but extracting the bag from the water you can see how much water flows still through it.

Using a high-performance submersible pump (250-900 Watt) pools with high water capacity can also be cleaned with the miracle-bag very quickly. If you connect the miracle-bag to such a pump, the pool water will be crystalclear within a few hours. It is advisable to stir up the dirt on the bottom of the pool at times so that the pump can sucks it. In case of such a large water flow, the miracle bag has to be cleaned more densely at the beginning of the filtration.
The submersible pump must be placed in the center of the pool, where the dirt comes together and connect it to the filter bag with a length of tube so that the filter bag to be secured to the pool wall.
Here comes out the clean water and pushes the unpurified water to the pump.

If the bag gets clogged, a high-performance pump may harm the sack, for example may tear the sewing along the zip, therefore a “T” shape fitting must be connected to the tube leading to the filter bag, so if the filter bag is completely clogged, the overpressure can escape through the "T" fitting so that the filter bag is not damaged.

Opening along the zip with a strong! water jet can easily wash the dirt from the inside.
Do not clean the water filter material by brush or other physical means, because the physical impact may harm the structure of the filter fabric. If necessary, it can be washed with chemicals too, but in case of normal water filtering this will not be necessary. However, with a high pressure cleaner it can be washed completely clean, but this may only be necessary in case of the 1 micron version.

You can also use it for chemical dosing, you may put the chlorine granules or tablets in it! In this case put an empty PET bottle into the bag, so it cannot dive into the bottom of the pool and the chlorine cannot fade the foil!
You can use it for algae exemption of garden ponds too, or for filtering any water to crystalline purity.

With gentle use, you may use the water filtering miracle bag for many years.


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