The Lord God Supreme, based on Psalm 50

Описание к видео The Lord God Supreme, based on Psalm 50

Based on Psalm 50:1-14
Music: Ravenscroft's Psalter, 1621; version in English Hymnal, 1906
Text: Rowland S. Ward, 1991

1. The LORD God supreme has uttered His voice;
He’s summoned the world, from east and from west.
From beautiful Zion our God will appear.
Oh, let our God come and keep silent no more.

2. Before Him goes fire, and tempest surrounds.
To witness the trial, He calls earth and heav’n.
“Bring to Me My servants who pledged Me their faith,
Who made with Me cov’nant by sacrifice sealed.”

3. The heavens proclaim the Lord is all just,
The Lord is a God who brings truth to light.
“O listen, My people, to You I will speak;
O Israel, I charge you; God, your God, am I.”

4. I’ll not reprimand for sacrifice made,
For burnt offerings each day for Me laid.
And I do not claim from your household a bull,
Nor will I take from you the goats of your fold.

5. For all of the beasts in forests are Mine,
The cattle as well upon ev’ry hill.
And I know each bird in the mountains that hides;
Wild creatures that live in the fields are My own.

6. If hungry I were, I would not tell you,
The whole world is Mine and all it contains.
Do I eat bull’s meat or goat’s blood will I drink?
But give Me thanksgiving, to God keep your vows.


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