Better Than The Studio Vintage?! // Marshall Studio JTM ST20H Review

Описание к видео Better Than The Studio Vintage?! // Marshall Studio JTM ST20H Review

When Marshall announced their new Studio JTM, I was really curious. For the past four years I've been using their Studio Vintage as a head as well as the combo version. Though I think it's a great amp, it has some shortcomings, and I wondered if the JTM would work better for me. So in this video I'll review the ST20H and I'll also compare it to the Studio Vintage.

Note that even though I'm using the combo version of the Studio Vintage in this video, I'm basically using it as a hear, running through the same cab and with the entire same signal flow as with the ST20H. The combo version sounds identical to the head version of the Studio Vintage this way, as you can hear in this video:    • Two Marshalls And A New Dr. Z Amp  

To hear my original music, check out the links down below:

My band 'Nighthawker'

My side project 'Steven Anthony Band'


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