Welcome to my Quantum Physics video-lesson-series. Readymade answer-paper for your exam. Lecture notes. Study material.
The theoretical and conceptual overview of Kirchhoff’s Law of Radiation presented here in this video is a beginners-friendly compilation of the key aspects, essentials and fundamentals. Planck’s Radiation Law & Formula, Planck Function of Spectral Radiance, Bose-Einstein Distribution, Wien’s Law, Stefan-Boltzmann Law, Kirchhoff’s Law, Rayleigh-Jeans Law, History, curves, applicability, relevance, and much more. Intensive lesson rather than extensive.
The concept has been explained in minute details using numerous tutor-viewer reciprocative texts and lucid illustrations so eloquently that even a beginner would promptly comprehend. Various learning pathways and online resources have been utilized.
This video series is a full package or information bank. The viewers are advised and encouraged to watch each and every video-lesson in this series in order to perceive the background concept. These video-episodes are a thought-provoking journey through the subatomic world.
Predictions, discoveries, backgrounds, along with principal stages of breakthroughs in the history of Physics research, and many more have been explored and reviewed here with cool illustrations, graphics and fascinating facts. Intricate mathematical derivations are, however, beyond the scope and purpose of this video.
It’s a concise digest of everything you need to know on this subtopic.
Att: If you already “know it all”, then my videos are not for you.
Be brilliant in exam. Easy learning. Grown-up late beginners’ choice.
Just relax, watch, study and learn. Targeted primarily to grown-up late beginner audience. Syllabus level: Graduate, Undergraduate. College. University.
Tweet me @dr_anjana_sen
Dear viewers, please note that this video shows you the topic as precise and concise as possible, the way you have to write in your exam. paper. Elaborate extensive explanation and/or practical applications are beyond the scope of this video.
The concept has been explained in minute details using numerous tutor-viewer reciprocative texts and lucid illustrations so eloquently that even a child would promptly comprehend.
My videos are not based on obscure and vague subject area, they are focused on distinct topics in a very precise and concise manner. If I have one video on how the phenomenon occurs, I have another video on the practical application in the lab. That’s how it is in my channel so it serves the needs of my viewers with special interests instead of hours’ long tedious videos.
Ready lecture notes and study materials are available on request. Please use the comment section below for further academic discussions. Viewers’ suggestions and ideas of new video-lesson topics are gratefully appreciated. Stay tuned for more uploads.
Please note that if you “know-it-all”, then my videos are not for you.
Please give me the support so I can maintain and continue my channel.
The facts and information provided in this video are meant only for a sole purpose of knowledge, guidance and helpful suggestions, absolutely free of charges. I am not endorsing any product, facility or service in any way. The creator and owner of this video disclaims any liability in connection with the use of these information and/or decision-making. The creator and owner of this video disclaims responsibility for any decision made by individuals that may lead to eventual fallacy. The viewers must make their own decision through their own judgement, perspective and needs. The information provided is subject to change without notice.
blackbody, radiation, quantum physics, Kirchhoff, spectral radiance, Bose-Einstein, quanta, photon, Max Planck, Wien, Stefan-Boltzmann, Niels Bohr, wave-particle duality, ultraviolet catastrophe, wavelength, frequency, syllabus, lecture notes, study materials, university, college, seminar, color temperature, thermal, blackhole, Rayleigh-Jeans,
#Kirchhoff, #blackbody, #quantumphysics, #waveparticleduality, #blackbodyradiation, #ultravioletcatastrophe,
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