Day 18 Html Mastry Course What is XHTML What is Url

Описание к видео Day 18 Html Mastry Course What is XHTML What is Url

XHTML, or Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, is a markup language used to create web pages. It is similar to HTML but follows stricter rules. XHTML combines the flexibility of HTML with the syntax rules of XML, making it easier for web browsers and other software to interpret and display web pages consistently.

One key aspect of XHTML is its adherence to XML syntax rules. This means that all elements must be properly nested, and all tags must be closed. Unlike HTML, XHTML requires that elements be written in lowercase and attribute values be enclosed in quotes. These rules help ensure consistency and compatibility across different browsers and platforms.

Another important feature of XHTML is its extensibility. It allows developers to create custom tags and attributes, making it possible to define new elements and behaviors beyond what is available in HTML. This extensibility enables developers to create more structured and semantically meaningful web pages, which can improve accessibility and search engine optimization.

URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on the internet. A URL consists of several components, including the protocol (such as HTTP or HTTPS), the domain name or IP address of the server, and the path to the resource on that server.

The protocol indicates the communication method to be used when accessing the resource. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the most common protocol used for accessing web pages, while HTTPS (HTTP Secure) encrypts the data transmitted between the browser and the server, providing an extra layer of security.

The domain name or IP address identifies the server hosting the resource. Domain names are human-readable names associated with specific IP addresses, making it easier for users to remember and access websites. IP addresses, on the other hand, are numerical labels assigned to devices connected to the internet.

The path specifies the location of the resource on the server's file system. It may include directories, subdirectories, and filenames, allowing for hierarchical organization of web content. Additionally, URLs can include query parameters, which provide additional information to the server, such as search terms or user preferences.

Overall, URLs play a crucial role in the web's infrastructure, enabling users to access and share resources across the internet. They provide a standardized way to locate and identify web content, making the World Wide Web accessible and navigable for millions of users worldwide.

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