Base Game Newcrest Modern Stop Motion | No Packs Needed | The Sims 4

Описание к видео Base Game Newcrest Modern Stop Motion | No Packs Needed | The Sims 4

#thesims4 #basegame #Newcrest
I upload all my builds to The Sims 4 Gallery:
Origin: schnuck01
Reddit:   / schnuck01  
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Base Game Newcrest Modern Stop Motion | No Packs Needed | The Sims 4

This is a 3 bedroom /2 Bathroom Base game only family home with an office, garage open concept floor plan, & pool.

The "no CC art" was painted in game by Catatron16, AliasLTS, EvaRotky & Mnewi1103

Where to find and how to use No CC gallery art:    • How To Use NoCC Gallery Art - No pack...  

The circus in the story was built by AnneGH94
Sims were made by BrianDcreations & MizzzSpirit

Lot Info:
Name: Newcrest Modern Base Game
Lot: Cookout Lookout
Size: 30 x 20
World: Newcrest
Type: Residential
Cost: §149,528

Placement Tips:
Not having all the packs will result in missing or substituted objects - please check the packs.
It is no longer necessary to use the move objects cheat when placing lots built with the cheat on, however, I still recommend placing lots from the lot and not the world map. Always bulldoze the lot first before placing. It is also better to place the lot on the lot it was built on, placing on another lot can change terrain paint and cause objects to disappear. If objects still disappear, enable move objects.

Base Game Only

Packs Used:
Game Packs
Stuff Packs

Gallery: schnuck01
Tray files:

The Sims 4 Tutorials:
Lowering rotated cabinets w/o mods:    • The Sims 4 | Tutorial | Lowering Rota...  

Open Windows & Gingerbread Roof Trim:    • The Sims 4 | Tutorial | Open Windows ...  

Full Wall Aquarium & Double Sided Fireplace:    • Wall Aquarium & Double Sided Fireplac...  

Overhanging Eaves:    • How to make: Extended Eaves/Foundatio...  

Base Game Custom Functional Counters:    • Custom Functional Counters |NOCC or M...  

Where to find and how to use No CC gallery art:    • How To Use NoCC Gallery Art - No pack...  

Many more on my Tutorial playlist:    • Custom Functional Counters |NOCC or M...  

Home Cooked - Sight Of Wonders
Watercolor Motion I - Trevor Kowalski
The Faintest Touch - Howard Harper - Barnes
The Wind Is Changing - Howard Harper - Barnes
Sea Clown - Martin Klem


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