Jerusalem Temple Mount

Описание к видео Jerusalem Temple Mount

video tour with David Hyman , your Israeli professional tour guide. The golden Dome of the Rock on the Temple mount in Jeruslem, is the most iconic landmark in Israel and maybe in the entire world. This video tour will help you understand the long history of this site, dating back 4 thousand years. The video tour will explain the earliest tradition of Mount Moriah as the site of the binding of Isaac by his father Abraham. The mount was the site of both Jewish Temples, the first Temple built by King Solomon and the Second Temple which was renovated by King Herod. This is the site that Zakariah worshipped the Eternal God as high priest. This is where Jesus from Nazareth is presented at the Temple. In the 7th Century under Islam , the Moslem Chalif Omar recognizes the site as the place Prophet Mohammad sets off on his Night Journey to heaven. in the year 691 CE, the Chaliph Abd al- Malik orders to build the Muslem shrine to cover and commemorate all of the above events. in 710 CE the Al Aqsa Mosque is built .

music track for this video:
Gold by Rob Simonsen Imovie Apple music


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