THE GOD-KING RISES!! | Orion Immortal Empires Modded Wood Elves Story Campaign | Part 1

Описание к видео THE GOD-KING RISES!! | Orion Immortal Empires Modded Wood Elves Story Campaign | Part 1

Welcome everyone to my Orion campaign for Immortal Empires! This is going to be a blend of narrative and normal Let's Play styles, with each episode getting a cinematic "intro" portion. We are also running with the Radious overhaul mod for this campaign, and it brings a heap of awesome new units for every faction!

-Modlist for the Campaign -

Huge thanks and shoutout to Goingforgold_85 for help writing the scripts for this series!

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-Follow me on Twitter to keep up with all my new uploads -   / wizard_apollo  

#totalwar #totalwarwarhammer3 #immortalempires


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