RCM Symphony Orchestra: The Butterfly Effect

Описание к видео RCM Symphony Orchestra: The Butterfly Effect

In recognition of Professor Colin Lawson CBE FRCM RCM Director 2005–2024

Joined by soloists including RCM Concerto Competition winner Polina Makhina and RCM Director Colin Lawson, the RCM Symphony Orchestra performs a programme of sparkling scores featuring music by alumna Dani Howard.

Dedicated to RCM professor Joseph Horovitz, Dani Howard’s The Butterfly Effect reflects on how small actions can have a lasting impact, particularly her decision to study at the College and the effect this continues to have on her musical journey.

The RCM’s Colin Lawson, Timothy Lines and Hannah Shimwell play a rarely-performed Classical concerto for three basset horns by Czech composer Druschetzky, and the programme is framed by two 20th-century masterworks. Polina Makhina takes to the stage for Korngold’s irresistible Violin Concerto, and Bartók’s suite from his ‘pantomime ballet’ The Miraculous Mandarin is full of unusual instrumental effects.

Martyn Brabbins - director
Polina Makhina - violin
Colin Lawson - basset horn
Hannah Shimwell - basset horn
Timothy Lines - basset horn
RCM Symphony Orchestra
Korngold's Violin Concerto in D major op 35
Druschetzky Concerto in F
Dani Howard's The Butterfly Effect
Bartók's Suite from The  Miraculous Mandarin op 19 Sz 73



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