Rise of Cultures Game Jackals Ridge battle 15 Minoan Era

Описание к видео Rise of Cultures Game Jackals Ridge battle 15 Minoan Era

The 14th battle of the Minoan Era Campaign.
To conquer Jackals Ridge, you have to battle 3 times.

These fights are done without any extra bonuses.

Infantry Barracks level 3
Ranged Barracks level 3
Cavalry Barracks level 3

24 x Copis Warriors
16 x Composite Archers
8 x Hippeis

1 x Harald
1 x Inanna
1 x King Minos

Fight 1:
Crocodiles: 4
Dromedarii: 4
Hyksos Sureshots: 8, 8
Nubian Warrior: 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Rewards: 9.000 Food

Fight 2:
Crocodiles: 4
Dromedarii: 4
Hyksos Sureshots: 8, 8
Nubian Warrior: 10, 10, 10, 10, 12
Rewards: 13.000 Gold

Fight 3:
Crocodiles: 4
Dromedarii: 4
Hyksos Sureshots: 8, 8
Nubian Warrior: 10, 10, 10, 10, 12
Rewards: 7.900 Egyptian Deben

Map Rewards:
1 x Egyptian Map Expansion
12 x Research Points

This map has different names in every language, here are the specific names per country:

English: Jackals Ridge
Deutsch: Kamm der Schakale
Español: Peñascos del Chacal
Italiano: Crinale degli Sciacalli
Francais: Crête des Chacals
Nederlands: Jackalskam
Português: Serra dos Chacais

Just follow along with my guides and or instructions, and you will have no problem with these or future encounters.

Of course, there are multiple ways to fight these battles and some might
be better than how I did them but the main objective is to win, that is all that counts.

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