
Описание к видео 心灵鸡汤的作者,是这样赚到人生第一个100万美元的

有一个人45岁了,运用吸引力法则,赚到人生第一个100万美元。有步骤的去做、要求、得到、接收,在大脑中保持你的目标图像,去体会达成目标后的喜悦,真的可以把你想要的吸引到你身边。There is a 45 year old man who uses the law of attraction to make the first one million dollars in his life. Step by step to do, request, get, receive, keep your goal image in the brain, to experience the joy after reaching the goal, can really attract what you want to your side.心灵鸡汤的作者,是这样赚到人生第一个100万美元的This is how the author of soul chicken soup made the first one million dollars in his life


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