Spider-Man 3: The Vulture, Early Visions, Directed by Sam Raimi

Описание к видео Spider-Man 3: The Vulture, Early Visions, Directed by Sam Raimi

An overdue time request by Arachnid Knight , Lilliana Mcguire, Adam, Paloma de Oro, FredyGhost 40, and Cloud17.

Anyone got a better name for this series?

I'd originally planned to make this after I'd finished making Spider-Man 4 trailers, but don't know if that day will ever come.

Something a little different this time, this is a recreation of an early draft of Spider-Man 3. Aqccording to an interview with actor Thomas Hayden Church, the villain would instead feature the Vulture as one of its antagonists. According to Church, the Vuture would appear early on in the film as an additional antagonist, then disappear for most of the film before returning at the end to set up a sequel. A number of pieces of unused concept art have also been released depicting a fight between Spider-Man the Vulture, as well as the Vulture escaping prison alongside Sandman.

According to a number of sources Ben Kingsley was considered for the role of Vulture.

In this film I imagine Harry hiring the Vulture to help him get revenge of Spider-Man. The two also use Norman Osbourne's technology, along with Vulture own genius, two create the Vulture's wing pack and Harry's goblin gear.

The Cast:

Tobey Maguire........................................Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Ben Kingsley...........................................Adrien Toomes/Vulture
James Franco...........................................Harry Osbourne
Kirsten Dunst..........................................Mary Jane
Rosemary Harris......................................Aunt May
Bryce Dallas Howard..............................Gwen Stacy
James Cromwell......................................Captain Stacy

Music used:

Spider-Man End Titles

Specter of the Goblin

by Danny Elfman

From the Spider-Man OST.

The Crane Rescue

by Christopher Young

From the Spider-Man 3 OST


by X-Ray Dog


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