The Ultimate Protection Paladin Guide! [Season 4]

Описание к видео The Ultimate Protection Paladin Guide! [Season 4]

As we approach the end of Shadowlands, Protection Paladin is still super strong, and super fun! Their damage output is excellent, and their cooldowns and utility are all great. Prot Pallies can provide everything a group needs, and that's pretty awesome. It's already a terrific tank, and it even got a defensive buff for Season 4. The future's so bright, you're going to need shades!

Llarold has the complete breakdown of everything that's new, fun, and awesome about Protection Paladins in Shadowlands Season 4. Get ready to throw some Avenger's Shields!

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0:00 Intro
0:32 What Changed?
1:17 How Good is Pally?
4:44 Tier Set Bonuses
7:11 Covenants
10:12 Soulbinds
11:00 Conduits
14:19 Legendaries
16:33 Talents
23:52 Rotation - ST
24:07 Rotation - AoE
29:26 How to Pull
32:08 Stats
34:49 Season 4 Gear
46:55 Outro

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