Pencak Silat Body Conditioning & Esoteric teachings - Satria Fighting Arts

Описание к видео Pencak Silat Body Conditioning & Esoteric teachings - Satria Fighting Arts

Pencak Silat Body Conditioning and Esoteric teachings Online Course. Enroll here:

In this course, you will be introduced to some of the basics of the Satria Fighting Arts, which includes aspects of SFA Conditioning to help develop and prepare the body for some of the motion and movements of the SFA—enabling you to better understand and embody the movements for functionality when applying techniques and applications for self-defense. This course includes six conditioning lessons (out of 40 classes of a complete SFA Conditioning Course), two videos from our SFA seminars aimed to help you to see and sense the correlation of the postures, the motion and movement of the SFA, and how to apply them in basic self-defense. These conditioning lessons will also help you develop an excellent foundational ‘strength’ base, no matter what martial art or sports discipline you do. In addition, you will learn how to train on the ground using your own body weight and working with natural body mechanics, a fundamental principle in the SFA.

Also included in this course is an introduction to the Esoterics. This course consists of the first four lessons of our Kejawen Esoteric Course. The esoteric aspect of the SFA is a massive part as it carries the “soul” of the art, providing the practitioner a deeper understanding of Numerology, Life, and Nature works, and they apply in our lives; knowing the difference between the true ‘Self’ and the false ‘self’ and how Karma works; understanding times and seasons, the Universal Laws and understanding how to work with them, etc. These lessons will provide you with a good understanding of life and how energies work, which you can immediately apply in your life. In addition, you will receive practical lessons to work with, enabling you to activate a more empowering life. Finally, you will learn the principles of living a fruitful, peaceful, and harmonious lifestyle.

What you’ll learn:
• Pencak Silat body conditioning.
• Pencak Silat striking methods.
• Pencak Silat ground fighting.
• Self-defence skills.
• Kejawan Esoteric theory.

Enroll here:


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