Krstarenje kanjonom Drine - brod Grizzly / Cruise Through the Drina River Gorge - The Grizzly Boat

Описание к видео Krstarenje kanjonom Drine - brod Grizzly / Cruise Through the Drina River Gorge - The Grizzly Boat

Plovidba od Perućca do Višegrada i nazad se organizuje u formi jednodnevnog izleta. Isplovljavanje iz Perućca je u 9.00h. Na plovidbi dugačkoj 52 km uživa se u lepoti prirode, u staništima biljnih i životinjskih vrsta Nacionalnog parka Tara, ušću reke Žepe u reku Drinu, prolazi se kroz najuži deo kanjona, pored kampa Stari Brod, pored manjih potoka i rečica, ostataka srednjovekovnih utvrđenja... Plovidba do Višegrada traje tri i po sata, pa se u Višegrad dolazi u 12.30h. U Višegradu se zadržava dva i po sata što je dovoljno da se sa vodičem obiđe Andrićgrad i most Mehmed-paše Sokolovića, a da ostane i vremena da se proba neki od višegradskih specijaliteta (ćevapi, pite, tulumbe, urmašice, baklave...). Povratak iz Višegrada je u 15.00h, nakon tri i po sata plovidbe u 18.30h stiže se natrag u Perućac.
The cruise from Perućac to Višegrad and back is organized in the form of a one day trip. Departure is in Perucac at 9.00am. On a 52 km long ride, you can enjoy in the beauty of nature, the habitats of plant and animal species of the Tara National Park, confluence of the Žepa River and the Drina River, the narrowest part of the canyon, the Stari Brod campsite, smaller streams and rivers, remains of medieval fortifications. .. Ride to Višegrad takes three and a half hours, so arrival to Visegrad is at 12.30. The break in Višegrad takes two and a half hours, which is enough to visit Andrićgrad and Mehmed-Pasha Sokolović Bridge with a guide, and there is still time to try some of the Višegrad specialties (ćevapi, pies, urmašice, baklava ...) . Return from Višegrad is at 15.00, and after three and a half hours of sailing arrival back to Perućac is at 18.30.

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