Tides Vs No Tides: How to Pre-Plan your Trip Around Tidal Flow

Описание к видео Tides Vs No Tides: How to Pre-Plan your Trip Around Tidal Flow

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If you fish in an area with huge tide swings or areas with little to no tide, then you will want to learn some of the best ways to pre-plan a trip to set yourself up right where the fish are!

Tides have an impact like nothing else on the fishing patterns and bait migrations.

Especially in areas with abnormal or unique tidal flow, it is important to pre-plan and know the fishing trends to get yourself in the perfect spot where the fish will be.

So in this video, you’ll learn:

How to pre-plan a tide dependent fishing trip
What to look for in areas with major tide swings
How to approach fishing in an area with no tides
and much more!

Check it out!

Interested in learning more about how to fish in areas with unique tides?

Find the information mentioned in the video and more in the Fishing Tips blog: https://bit.ly/3iRWXsQ


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