How I Beat The Attorney General in Court

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How I Beat The Attorney General in Court
This is the true story of how I beat the Attorney General in Court. Official transcript linked here;

Basically- neither the specially appointed prosecutor nor specially appointed judge had jurisdiction... So I waited until the State Attorney General called their witnesses and rested their case.... Because at THAT point.... trial has officially commenced... and when the case gets thrown out because of lack of jurisdiction... the state can't try me again for the same charges (Double Jeopardy).

But I don't leave things there. As the only participant in the case with any authority to be there... I motion to crown myself King of these Kangaroo Courts... "Anyone with any jurisdiction object?"

These courts hid my triple attempted murder and stabbing by a local crony, so I dedicated my life to investigating and exposing them. It turns out the judiciary is running a real estate and bankruptcy racket, veiled behind the court house protections. So they hit me with 4 years of retaliatory for covering it as press.

The State Attorney general had to take over prosecution because when they arrested me, they seized my iphone. I tracked it into the president of the county BAR's office- the one I was investigating for real estate fraud. The DA doesn't have the capability to wipe the phone, so THAT'S why the Attorney General got involved....

BECAUSE the Special Agent @ The Attorney General's office that wiped my phone's tracking data- his FATHER IN LAW was the one writing the fake deeds for the real estate racket!

Because I caught the Attorney General destroying evidence; they couldn't allow it on the record and subsequently withdrew the charges. Here is the video on THAT;    • Attorney General CAUGHT | Destroys Ev...  

I summarized this racket and submitted it in written motions on the court record, serving it up to the Attorney general Prosecuting my case.

Let me link you these court motions below to show you it’s real. All evidence is cited in document and attached at the end as exhibits. Sometimes different browsers get blurry, and it works best to open two; one to read the motion, the other to peruse the exhibits.

The following motion details how the Adams County courthouse grooms individuals into key positions by admitting them to the racket. I was motioning to record proceedings because I kept catching the stenographers changing the report, but it goes on to detail how the stenographer, my district attorney, and my stabbing assailant are all admitted to the racket via false bankruptcy/ real estate transactions.

So- motions are capped at 15 pages, so I pulled up short in the above motion. This motion below details a good section of the real estate racket. We catch the president of the County BAR utilizing the Real Estate racket to acquire a house from an active client, using her daughter as a straw buyer. She has a local BAR member and real estate titling magnet forge a fraudulent deed for her…. This BAR member is the father –in-law of Special Agent Michael Carlson, the SA @ the Attorney General’s Office that pulled out a bogus search warrant and wiped my phone’s location data for “trespassing.” We show that this is not the first time the DA has utilized this technique; as they previously lost child sexual assault pictures to throw a case when it threatened this same racket. Be advised; it’s verbally graphic.

Ok, you still with me? This motion below goes over some of the previous info, but fully fleshes out the real estate racket AND their bogus retaliatory charges against me in about 90 written pages with 130 pages of exhibits/ evidence.

So!- I beat the Attorney General, but fixer Judge Lewis played defense for the state and found me guilty.... so that I can't countersue the state for false arrest. BUT- he was outside of his jurisdiction; so I got it beat on appeal... if they decide to follow the law this time. ALSO- Judge Lewis is not protected by immunity due to ruling outside of his jurisdiction.... so we get to sue him out of his retirement yacht money for the price of the appeal! WIN!!!!

#funny #lincolnsquareleonidas #lawofattraction

Thanks to @LickNRiff for the killer guitar!
Fingerstyle Tutorial: Law & Order Theme (Best Theme Ever) | Guitar Lesson w/ TAB | LickNRiff
   • Fingerstyle Tutorial: Law & Order The...  

Thanks to Youtube Automatic Copyright Claim ID for everything else! If you're experiencing ads- it's those clips.


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