I miss you Olivia

Описание к видео I miss you Olivia

There’s still so much I want to tell you... so much I want to show you… so much I want to experience with you. You weren’t in bed this morning, or laying on my towel after getting out of the shower, or next to me making breakfast. It’s empty here without you. If there’s only one thing that I wish you could know, it’s that I knew you were struggling. Life got so hard for you so quickly and I just wish you could know that everything we did we did for you… because you did so much for me. You let me cry with you when times were tough. You’d cuddle with me when I’d need a hug... and you didn’t judge me whenever I’d tell you a bad joke (or maybe you did…and that’s ok…you can take that secret with you). You were my best friend…my rock…and I just can’t imagine life without you because these past few days have been so hard.

Hammy misses you. He’s lost without your guidance. He’s trying to learn that he needs to be strong with us, but watching us cry a lot has been tough on him. He can feel your absence. We all can. Watch over him please, Sigur. He wouldn’t know his left from his right without you here to show him, so please continue being the best big sister whenever you can. I never could have imagined what this pain feels like, and I know so many pet parents have to feel this too. Check in on the pets they’ve lost too, Liv. You’re a leader and I know everyone will really appreciate it up there.

I hope you found your perfect pillow, a comfy ledge with a beautiful view and miles of grass to frolic in. I hope you also find something gross in that grass since you love rolling around in anything stinky. The fireplace is finally on and we’ve made you a snuggly spot, so we hope you can find the time to visit us, even if it’s just as a pleasant breeze or a ray of sunshine coming through our window.

I love you Olivia. I’m so proud that you got to leave the same mark on so many people as you did with me. I’ll see you again someday.


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