Madden 12-Online ranked gameplay w/commentary[HD]MrgoldenSports Vs Adicards

Описание к видео Madden 12-Online ranked gameplay w/commentary[HD]MrgoldenSports Vs Adicards

   / adicards  

Madden 12 online ranked gameplay presented by:MrGoldenSports

What's up guys i have a game against none other then ADICARDS.,and im using the Washington Redskins,and I'm facing the SanFrancisco 49ers.Adicards is a top 100 player and the kid is just a MONSTER.I have yet to beat this my chance?FIND OUT!!!!PLEASE thumbs up if you were entertained and would appreciate some more of these.Thanks for the recent support guys means a lot.dont forget to comment,rate,and subscribe. if your already a subscriber, thanks a lot for your time


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