Introduction to Bootstrap (Clip 1): Gentle Introduction to Bootstrap 5

Описание к видео Introduction to Bootstrap (Clip 1): Gentle Introduction to Bootstrap 5

You'll learn the Bootstrap styling framework and its benefits. You'll try out Bootstrap containers and utility classes. Then walk through how to style a menu and a table, explore Bootstrap's grid system for layout, and how to style a data entry form.

Lesson Links
Find the full course playlist here:    • Gentle Introduction to Bootstrap 5 fo...  

Installing VS Code:

Code Editor - VS Code (Clip 9) of Gentle Introduction to HTML for Beginners:    • Code Editor - VS Code (Clip 9): Gentl...  

The above link walks step by step through installing and setting up the VS Code code editor including installing the Live Server extension to display the web pages in the browser.

Code for this course:

00:00 Welcome
00:24 Who this course is for
00:39 Prerequisites
01:11 HTML elements and attributes
02:08 CSS selectors, properties, and values
02:53 Covered topics
03:23 Coding along approach

😊About Me
Hey! I'm Deborah Kurata
I'm a software developer and YouTube content creator. I speak at conferences such as VS Live and ng-conf. I write articles for freeCodeCamp. And I'm a Pluralsight author with courses in the top 10 most popular (out of 10,000+) over the past 5 years. For my work in support of software developers, I've been recognized with the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award, and I'm a Google Developer Expert (GDE).

View my YouTube content:    / @deborah_kurata  
Contact me on Twitter:   / deborahkurata  
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