The Carp, Ontario 'Guardian' UFO Case - Part 2 - a discussion with Chris Rutkowski

Описание к видео The Carp, Ontario 'Guardian' UFO Case - Part 2 - a discussion with Chris Rutkowski

In the last episode, my guest Ian Rogers spoke both about his experiences investigating the Guardian case as well as the route this story took to being featured on a major CBC Documentary ‘UFO Town’.

When I was putting that episode together I learned that my friend, and past guest of the show, Chris Rutkowski was one of the ufo investigators who received Guardian's mailings back in the 80s and 90s.

I also learned that Chris was invited, but declined, to participate in ‘UFO TOWN’.

I thought Chris would be the perfect person to invite here to help me both further break down the case, and discuss the UFO town documentary.

In this episode Christ Rutkowski and I discuss CBCs ‘UFO TOWN’ and the strange strange world of “THE GUARDIAN”


Watch CBC’s UFO TOWN documentary:

Watch the original Unsolved Mysteries episode about ‘Guardian’:    • Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack ...  

Watch the unedited interview with Chris Rutkowski:    • Видео  

In depth report on Guardian case by Mufon Ontario:


Musical Theme - Noir Tokyo by Monty Datta

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