【琵琶语】The Language of Pipa | 纯筝抒情版 Guzheng Solo | Chinese Traditional Music 中国传统音乐

Описание к видео 【琵琶语】The Language of Pipa | 纯筝抒情版 Guzheng Solo | Chinese Traditional Music 中国传统音乐

"The Language of Pipa" was written by Fang Wenshan and composed by Lin Hai in 2003. Lin Hai and a friend went to the southern region of the Yangtze River, and they lingered in it and never returned. One time, they listened to Pipa music in the Teahouse. It was the first time that Lin Hai was moved by the monochromatic music of the pipa, and he had the urge to make pipa music. The process of creating the melody of "The Language of Pipa" is very fast -- Lin Hai wrote it in five minutes. When composing, Lin Hai asked the performer Jiang Yan to play the various timbres that the pipa may make and got a lot of inspiration from it. There was a kind of desolate and euphemistic mood in this piece, which made people linger. The repeated prelude brings people into a state of lingering sadness and reluctance to talk. The faint and sad sound, coupled with the unique characteristics of the oriental musical instrument, "weeping and whispering to one's heart", the feelings are gradually replaced in this way. Ultimately, people indulge in the artistic conception of music.

《琵琶语》出自2003年,由方文山填词,林海谱曲。某年林海和朋友相约至江南,流连其间而忘返。他们在水乡茶馆中听评弹,那是第一次,他被琵琶的单色打动,开始有了做琵琶音乐的一种冲动。《琵琶语》旋律的创作过程非常快,林海用了五分钟就写出来了。在创作时,林海专门让演奏者蒋彦弹奏了琵琶可能发出的各种音色,并由此得到许多启发。听众从听到《琵琶语》的那刻起,有一种凄清婉转的情绪,让人流连忘返。反复的前奏,将人带入一种缠绵悱恻、欲说还休的境界,淡淡忧伤的琴声,加上东方乐器琵琶所独有的 “泣泣私语诉衷肠” 之特点,感情就这样一步一步被牵引,最终让人沉醉在音乐意境里而欲罢不能。

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