Testing 5 Trade Routes in Star Citizen 3.24: Profits & Best Routes Explained

Описание к видео Testing 5 Trade Routes in Star Citizen 3.24: Profits & Best Routes Explained

In this video, I test five different trade routes in Star Citizen 3.24, providing a detailed breakdown of the profits from each journey. After each route, I display a comprehensive summary screen with important insights and considerations on the most profitable and convenient routes to take, helping you maximize your earnings in the game. Whether you're new to trading or a seasoned player, this guide will help you navigate the best trade opportunities in the Star Citizen universe, version 3.24.

Routes tested:
Shubin Mining Facility SM0-22 to New Babbage (Beryl)
Shubin Mining Facility SM0-18 to New Babbage (Gold)
Shubin Mining Facility SCD-1 to New Babbage (Gold)
CRU-L4 to Area18 (RMC)
Arccorp Mining Area 056 to Lorville (Laranite & Diamond)

Specs -
Cpu: Intel i9 13900k
Gpu: nVidia RTX 4090 FE
Ram: G.Skill 64GB DDR4 3600MHz

Socials -
  / fabioponta88  
  / fabioponta88  

Timestamps -
00:00 - Trade route 1
04:22 - Trade route 2
05:37 - Trade route 3
08:07 - Trade route 4
10:05 - Trade route 5


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