46 - I read "The Professor and the Madman" in front of the computer

Описание к видео 46 - I read "The Professor and the Madman" in front of the computer

The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary
Simon Winchester
ISBN 0-06-017596-6
Doctor Minor's sanity, or lack thereof, was never in doubt. He was never so ill as to be ordered away from the benign atmosphere of Block 2 and into the harsher regime of the back blocks (though a strange and terrible incident in 1902 did take him away from his rooms for many weeks). But the ward notes show that his delusions became over the years ever more fixed, ever more bizarre, and that there seemed no likelihood that he would ever regain his reasoning. He was comfortable in Broadmoor, maybe; but there was nowhere else he could be allowed to live.

It's a fascinating read, seriously, but you get the feeling here and there that the author's slightly too far up himself.


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