KingdomCraft: Q&A

Описание к видео KingdomCraft: Q&A

Jump to your question so you don't have to watch 80 minutes of this:
3:10 - "Why don't you accept the Lutheran view of Predestination as most Biblical?"
6:20 - "Did the Holy Spirit bring you to the Presbyterian Church?"
7:23 - "Which is the worst: Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, or Seventh-Day Adventists?"
8:36 - "Why aren't you Catholic, what makes Luther right instead of the Catholic Church?"
9:33 - "What is your testimony and who told you about Christ?"
10:40 - "Best way to plant seeds of truth for friends who are progressive Christians or atheists?"
11:52 - "Are you inspired by any Catholic saints?"
12:50 - "What do you think about Eucharistic miracles?"
14:41 - "At what point doctrinally should Churches be in communion with each other?"
18:52 - "Will we have jobs/will we work in the New Heavens and New Earth?"
19:59 - "Do you think we should use Gregorian Chants in Reformed Churches?"
21:02 - "What is your major in college?"
21:50 - "Explain infant baptism, I was raised Baptist and I'm newly Presbyterian (PCA)"
25:28 - "Discuss your thoughts on the CREC"
29:13 - "Will some denominations cease to exist in the future because of aging demographics?"
29:52 - "I understand Baptism as a Covenant, I just want deeper understanding"
32:19 - "Thoughts on Presuppositionalism"
33:54 - "How to find a good Presbyterian Church"
37:19 - "What is Amillennialism, and what's the Presbyterian definition of grace (i.e. in the sacraments"
40:46 - "Why do you think the Reformed/Presbyterian tradition most closely matches the early Church?"
43:35 - "Thoughts on the Crusades"
45:10 - "Should Protestants be against contraception?"
45:58 - "Will there be internet memes in the resurrected world?"
47:16 - "Should we try to be the same as the early Church"
48:47 - "Can you contrast Baptist theology with early Church theology?"
50:22 - "Can you go in depth on what Fundamentalism is?"
52:33 - "Do you accept any Marian dogmas other than Mother of God"
55:44 - "Thoughts on The Chosen"
57:19 - "What is the Orthodox view of salvation?"
59:00 - "Where was the Church before Martin Luther?"
59:58 - "What can we do to end Christian infighting and recognize our different roles?"
1:01:32 - "What's your point of view on Israel/the Israelites?"
1:03:16 - "What's the weirdest doctrine from any denomination?"
1:04:05 - "What's a good starting point book to check out traditional Protestant Churches?"
1:04:19 - "Legalism vs Antinomianism"
1:04:54 - "If there's no evil in the New Heavens/New Earth and no struggle, what's the point?"
1:05:30 - "Is it ok to listen to secular music that doesn't celebrate sin?"
1:06:32 - "Christian Nationalism?"
1:08:47 - "Favorite OT and NT book?"
1:10:00 - "Explain the ZOOMERVERSE lore"
1:14:10 - "Have you ever been something other than Presbyterian?"
1:14:22 - "How should the Church interact with the youth?"
1:14:57 - "When is it right to leave a Church that doesn't align with your values?'
1:16:07 - "Thoughts on Calvinism?"


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