Helping You Expand Your Biblical Counseling Ministry

Описание к видео Helping You Expand Your Biblical Counseling Ministry

Mentoring the next-gen of biblical counselors and their ministry.

If you are ready to take your counseling to the next level, enroll in our Counselor or Ministry Mentorship Package, choose from three options below:
1. Sign up at (Scroll and select one of the five types of subscriptions available.)
2. View our Step Up Strategy at
3. Sign up for free consultation; contact us today at

There are two types of mentorships available.
1. Counselor Mentorships help you develop the skillful and effective use of the Scriptures in counseling change.
2. Ministry Mentorships help you develop a counseling ministry in a community counseling center or a church-based soul care ministry.

What Does the Counselor Mentorship Include?
A. Meet Monthly with an Experienced and Certified Counselor
Three purposes for one-on-one mentorship meetings: 1) Case Resourcing; 2) Case Supervisions; 3_ Team Counseling

B. Access Five Essential Courses: (
Foundations Course in Biblical Counseling and Change: Change That Sticks (
10 Counseling Observations
ACBC Exam Mentorship
Theological Foundations of Biblical Counseling & Change: Transformed by Truth
Practical Theology Course: Contemporary Issues in Biblical Counseling

C. Access Three Specialization Courses
Unity in Marriage: ACBC Certified Specialization (
Unity in Conflict: ACBC Certified Specialization (
Encompass Addiction Counseling Course (

D. Access Our Pro Resource Center- ( This includes 700 plus case-tested tools to share or print for your counselees and team members. Many users say the pro-resource center is a one-of-a-kind extensive biblical resource ready to use for changing lives.

E. Participate in Online Monthly BC Network Group Mentorship Meetings (
The BC monthly mentorship meetings are a great way to research, continue your BC education and network with like-minded counselors and pastors as you learn from one of our expert special guest counselors.

If you are ready to take your counseling to the next level, enroll in our Counselor Mentorship Package. If you are ready to begin a counseling ministry enroll in our Ministry Mentorship Package

If you want to dive deeper into what you have heard contact us directly or visit our websites

We are here to help.

Tim Bryant, Executive Director


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