C Programming Full Tutorial in One Video (2024) C full course by Vikas

Описание к видео C Programming Full Tutorial in One Video (2024) C full course by Vikas

Welcome to our comprehensive C Programming tutorial, all packed into one video! Whether you're a beginner looking to learn C Language from scratch or an experienced programmer seeking a quick refresher, this video is perfect for you.

Topic wise lectures Given Below:

3:51:45 Header Files

4:16:28 Conditional Statements

4:54:40 for loop

5:27:27 Arrays6:33:48 while loop

6:51:20 do while

6:57:45 switch case

7:46:00 Programs- Fibonacci,factorial, power of

a num

8:28:40 strings(glimpse)

8:31:00 Multidimensional Arrays8:46:50 addition of 2 matrices

09:07:00 Star


10:00:25 LCM HCE,10:20:00

10:39:00 Armstrong Number Program , 11:05:50(while loop) 11:25:50 = print armstrong nos

from 1 to 1000

11:32:20 WAP to find the sum of digits

11:38:51 WAP to reverse a number 11:44:5311:55:00 Palindrome number

11:59:50 Ascii

12:32:19 Structures

13:20:00 pre post increment decrement

13:31:04 Strings

13:35:00 Reverse a String

13:48:40 Palindrome String

13:59:32 intro of strings


14:12:00 Length of String using predefined

14:14:00 Length of String without usingpredefined function

14:19:00 String Functions


14:43:5O Recursion

14:34:30 Ascii codes of general terms

14:56:25 Factorial using Recursion


15:12:00 WAP to find the power of a no. using

15:17:51 Dynamic Memory Allocation

Welcome to the Vikas Singh Sir's CoDing SeeKho Channel.
He is one of the Finest Teacher in CoDing by His Quality of Silence and Pause Way Teaching.

He Teaches C, DSA, C++, Java & Python

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By the end of this video, you'll have a solid foundation in C Programming. Feel free to use the timestamps below to navigate through the different sections.

Thanks to All of you | Love You All
From Prof. Vikas Singh

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more programming tutorials. If you have any questions or need clarification on any topic covered in this video, please leave a comment below. Happy coding! 🐍🚀



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