DJ Gregory Presents WSNWG002 by Alex Do & Rødhåd

Описание к видео DJ Gregory Presents WSNWG002 by Alex Do & Rødhåd

What started as a one-off record in 2018 now becomes a steady project. With a second release on the ominous WSNWG imprint Rødhåd keeps building a platform for collaboration tracks that emerged from exchanging ideas and intense hours of working together in the studio.

For the second installment Rødhåd invited Dystopian member Alex.Do to his Berlin studio. The two producers share a long friendship and now release their first EP together. “WSNWG 002“ contains 4 tracks, self-paced mindbenders evoking subtle mood shifts against a somber backdrop. The moment before everything turns dark is set to music here.

released April 18, 2019


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