Denis Bédard | Variations sur «Christus Vincit»

Описание к видео Denis Bédard | Variations sur «Christus Vincit»

• Gert Ronner plays variations composed by Denis Bédard on the Latin hymn «Christus Vincit» on the 1906 P.J. Adema & Zn. organ at the Church of Saint Joseph in Haarlem, the Netherlands.

• Denis Bédard (1950) is a Canadian contemporary composer of organ works and choral pieces. After graduating from the Quebec conservatory in 1973, he studied which such famous tutors as André Isoir (Paris) and Gustav Leonhardt (Amsterdam). Bédard has held several organist positions in his native city of Quebec, but moved to Vancouver in 2001 to become music director of the Holy Rosary Cathedral there. His organ works, essentially tonal and melodic, are characterized by a concern for formal clarity and immediate communication with as vast a public as possible. Bédard continues to compose for the instrument and has an active career as a recitalist.

The variations presented here were composed in 2003, on a modern setting of the Latin hymn «Christus Vincit». Several combinations of stops can be heard, i.e. reeds (Fanfare introduction), Doublette with pedal Trombone solo (Trio), Sesquialtera (Meditation) and full organ (Final part).

• The 1906 Adema organ at the church of Saint Joseph in Haarlem is a typical example of 19th century organ building. The organ has a homogeneous sound palette, resembling the sounds of a symphonic orchestra, which in turn inspired many composers to compose for this new type of organ from the early 1860's and onwards. The casing of the instrument is half a century older and housed a previous instrument built by Lindsen in 1856. Such famous composers and organists as Hendrik Andriessen, Albert de Klerk and Gemma Coebergh played this organ for many years and it is famous for its poetic characteristics.

• Specification:
Hoofdwerk: Principaal 16', Bourdon 16', Prestant 8', Salicionaal 8', Fluit Harmoniek 8', Holpijp 8', Quint 6', Octaaf 4', Octaaf 2', Cornet V st., Mixtuur II-V st., Trompet 8' | Zwelwerk: Prestant 8', Viola 8', Vox Coelestis 8', Bourdon 8', Quintaton 8', Violone 4', Fluit Harmoniek 4', Piccolo 2', Sesquialter II-III st., Trompet 8', Fagot-Hobo 8', Vox Humana 8', tremulant | Pedaal: Contrebas 16', Subbas 16' (HW), Openbas 8', Gedektbas 8', Openfluit 4', Bazuin 16', Trompet 8' | 4 manual couplers (incl. Sub- and super), pedal coupler, Setzer.


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