10 MTB Product Reviews from Helmet Hooks to Multi Tools

Описание к видео 10 MTB Product Reviews from Helmet Hooks to Multi Tools

In this video we'll take a look at 10 products either directly related to mountain biking and cycling, or at least relevant to this audience. After you hear my opinion on these products you can argue about them with a bunch of other anonymous people, as this is the funnest part.

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Everything in the video can be found below
Helmetor Hooks http://amzn.to/2HIcgA7 or http://helmetor.com if they’re out of stock
Strike Knee Pads http://amzn.to/2GEuRvG
Seat Protectors http://amzn.to/2BLB1uQ
SofTopper https://www.softopper.com/
Industry Nine Matchstix https://goo.gl/uoNgCq
Yi 4K+ Action Camera http://amzn.to/2HFtbDy
All Mountain Style Guards https://goo.gl/8xRR6b
Road Bike Wall Stand http://amzn.to/2FpfEPR
Victorinox Bike Tool http://amzn.to/2EMw3kr


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