Karaoke Opera: Madamina - Don Giovanni (Mozart) Orchestral only version

Описание к видео Karaoke Opera: Madamina - Don Giovanni (Mozart) Orchestral only version

Full Orchestra. There is a vocal version corresponding to this here:
   • Karaoke Opera: Madamina - Don Giovann...  

After Donna Elvira confronts Don Giovanni, who had betrayed her, Leporello tells her that she should forget him and then produces a book of the Don's feminine conquests : 640 in Italy, 231 in Germany, 100 in France, 91 in Turkey, and 1003 in Spain

Czech Symphony Orchestra
Julian Bigg

A Musical Concepts Production


Madamina, My dear Madam
il catalogo_è questo here is the catalog
delle belle che_amò_il padron mio a list of my master's pretty loves
Un catalogo_egli_ è che_ho fatt_io a list that I made myself
osservate have a look
leggete con me and read with me

In Italia seicento_e quaranta; In Italy six hundred and forty;
In Almagna duecento_e trentuna; Then in Germany two hundred and thirty
Cento_in Francia_in Tur- France one hundred
chia novantuna; ninety in Turkey;
Ma, in Ispagna but in Spain
Ma in Ispagna son già mille e trè but in Spain one thousand and three
mille e trè thousand and three
mille e trè thousand and three
V'han fra queste contadine there are country girls among these
cameriere cittadine chambermaids and city girls
v'han contesse baronesse Baronesses and countesses
Marchesine principesse Marchionesses and princesses
e v'han donne There are women of every rank,
d'ogni grado d'ogni forma every rank and every shape
d'ogni_età every age
d'ogni.. forma d'ogni eta shape and every age

Nella… bion..da If she's blonde
Egli_ha l'usan..za he’ll
di lo.. dar.. extol
la gentilezza. her kindness
Nella bru..na to the brunette
la costanza her constance
Nella.. bian..ca to the fair one
La.. dol..cezza her sweetness
Vuol d'inverno la grassotto In winter he prefers them plump
vuol d'estate la magrotta: in the summer slender
è la grande and tall
maestosa. and majestic
La piccina, The tiny ones are charming
la piccina è _ognor vezzo..sa The tiny ones are charming
è ognor vezzosa are charming
Delle.. vec..chie The old ones
Fa… conqui..sta he conquers
pel pia.. cer.. for the joy
diporle_in lista; of adding them to the list:
sua passion predominante But his predominant passion
è la giovin principiante. is for the beginner
Non si picca se sia ricca Neither rich nor poor
se sia brutta se sia bella nor ugly or beautiful
se sia ricca brutta se sia belle makes any difference to him
Purch è … por..ti As long as
La.. gonnella, she wears a skirt
voi, sapete you know
quel, che fà what he will do
Purche porti la gonnella As long as she wears a skirt
voi sapete quel che fà you know what he will do
voi sapete, you know

voi sapete you know
quel che fà…. What he will do…
voi sapete quel che fà you know what he will do


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