Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Jewish Scriptures - Dr Zakir Naik

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Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Jewish Scriptures - Dr Zakir Naik


Lets discuss the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (saws) in the Jewish and the Christian Scriptures.

The Jewish and the Christian Scriptures we know that the Bible is divided into Old Testament and the New Testament the Bible according to the Catholics has 73 books according to the protestants, they have thrown out 7 books as a apocrypha-doubtful from the old testament so total Bible contains 66 books.

So the new testament of the Catholics and the Protestants contain 27 books but the old testament of the Catholics 46 books of the Protestant it contains 39 books. The Old Testament speaks about the stories about the Prophets that came before Jesus (pbuh) and the New Testament speaks about the life and the times of Jesus Christ (pbuh).

We’ll first discuss the Prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (saws) in the Jewish Scriptures.

It’s mentioned in the Old Testament in the book of Deuteronomy ch. No. 18 verse 18 it says, Almighty God says
“I shall raise them a Prophet from among their brethren like unto thee and I shall put my words into his mouth and he shall speak all that I command him”. This prophecy says I shall raise them a prophet like unto thee like Moses (pbuh).

So the Christians they say that this prophecy refers to no one but Prophet Jesus Christ (pbuh) and when we ask them why does it refers to Jesus Christ (pbuh) they tell us because the prophecy says the prophet to come should be like Moses (pbuh) and Jesus Christ (pbuh) was like Moses (pbuh) and when we ask them how are they alike they tell us that Moses and Jesus (pbut) both of them were prophets of God and both of them were Jew that’s why this prophecy is talking about Jesus Christ (pbuh). If these two are the only criteria, If these two are the only criteria for the fulfillment of the prophecy that he should be a Jew and he should be a prophet of God then all the Prophets mentioned in the Bible after Moses (pbuh) fulfill this prophecy. For e.g. Prophet Solomon, Ezekiel, Isiah, Daniel, Hosiah, Joel, John the Baptist (pbut) all of them were prophets of God and all of them were Jew all of them fulfilled the prophecy.

If we analyze we come to know that this prophecy befits no one better than the last and final Prophet Muhammad (saws)

Let’s analyze what does the Prophecy says, the prophecy says I shall raise them a prophet among their brethren like unto thee, like unto Moses (pbuh)

If we analyze Moses and Muhammad (pbut) both of them were born naturally but Jesus Christ (pbuh) he was not born naturally he was born without any male intervention and this is mentioned in the Qur’an in Surah ale Imran ch. 3 verse 45-47 and is also mentioned in the Bible in the Gospel of Mathew ch. No. 1 verse no. 18 and the Gospel of Luke ch. 1 verse 35 that he was born without nay male intervention, he was born miraculously.

Therefore Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is like Prophet Moses (pbuh) and Prophet Jesus is unlike Prophet Moses (pbut).

Further if we analyze Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Moses (pbut) both of them were married and they had children but according to the Bible Jesus Christ (pbuh) was not married and he had no children, so Jesus is unlike Moses and Muhammad is like Moses (peace be upon them all).

Further if we analyze Prophet Moses and Prophet Muhammad (pbut) both of them they died a natural death...

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