Spider-Man Vs Zombie Scarlet Witch | Vision's Sacrifice | Marvel Studios' What if...? S01 E05

Описание к видео Spider-Man Vs Zombie Scarlet Witch | Vision's Sacrifice | Marvel Studios' What if...? S01 E05

Vision was able to use the stone to keep an infected Scott Lang alive — who is now just a head, by the way. The team just needs a way to broadcast the stone's frequency to the world. The only place capable of doing this is Wakanda, so the new mission is to escape Camp Lehigh with the stone for Africa. The surviving heroes accidentally release Wanda in the process, and as one can imagine, all hell breaks loose. It's here that we lose Kurt and Okoye and sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Vision also sacrifices himself by pulling the Mind Stone out of his head so the team can take it to Wakanda. This brings the synthezoid's MCU death count to four for whoever's counting. Marvel Studios' What if...? S01 E06. #Killmonger, #blackpanther, #ironman, #marvel, .


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