Last Time I Tried Cannabis I Got Really Paranoid

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Last time I used cannabis, I got so paranoid. I don’t know if I will ever use it again.

That’s a common concern for patients that are coming into the clinic for cannabis therapy because they had a bad experience in their youth.

Hi. I’m Dr. Dan Stein, board-certified neurologist and medical cannabis expert, and we’re going to discuss this common concern today.

A lot of individuals back in the day used cannabis and had a bad reaction. They were uncomfortable. They were breaking the law. They became paranoid and it was a bad experience that they do not want to repeat.

So when they come into the clinic with concerns about other conditions like Parkinson’s disease or anxiety or sleep, I try to reassure them that cannabis medicine these days is personalized medicine. We have ways to determine which cannabis varieties are more or less likely to trigger anxiety.

That’s right. Cannabis can trigger anxiety. So if you’re anxious or worried about paranoia, you do not want that variety. Unfortunately a lot of what we do in the cannabis clinic has to do with trial and error treatments for individuals. But we do have some guidelines.

There are properties of cannabis that we know that are more sedative than others. So for example, if you have a cannabis variety that has myrcene or linalool, these are common terpenes that cause relaxation and sedation.

Those are the types of cannabis plants you want to use if you’re concerned about anxiety or paranoia. If you do have anxiety or paranoia concerns, you may want to avoid certain cannabis strains that cause an energetic uplifting feeling.

So I know that there are some individuals, even with PTSD, that are very concerned about worsening their condition with cannabis and there are terpenes that they need to avoid.

So if you had a bad experience, that does not mean that cannabis therapy is not right for you. It just means that we have to be careful about which cannabis varieties you use, careful about the dose and administration method and go slowly until we find the right products.

But I would not rule out cannabis as a possible therapy if you had a bad experience back in the day.

I know that you’re watching this video because you may have your own questions or concerns. So if you are a Florida resident, seasonal or permanent, and would like to reach out to us, I would love to hear from you.

Please call us at the clinic, 941-400-1211, or email [email protected].

I’m Dr. Dan Stein. That’s our video for today. Have a great day.

Located in beautiful Sarasota, Florida, the offices of Neurology of Cannabis are open to all full-time and seasonal Florida residents exploring medical treatment options with medical marijuana.

Lead physician and Board Certified Neurologist, Daniel P. Stein, M.D. performs all patient examinations and evaluates patient medical records to develop customized and effective treatment plans.

We make the process of qualifying, registering, obtaining, and renewing access to medical marijuana in Florida as easy as possible. At Neurology of Cannabis, we are passionate about the effective use of medical marijuana to transform the health of our patients.

Neurology of Cannabis
5602 Marquesas Circle, Suite 108
Phone: (941) 400-1211
Sarasota, Florida 34233


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