REVIEW: USB 3.0 to Gigabit RJ45 Ethernet Lan Adapter for Mac. | Inyi Yruma

Описание к видео REVIEW: USB 3.0 to Gigabit RJ45 Ethernet Lan Adapter for Mac. | Inyi Yruma

If you're looking for an alternative to connect your MacBook to a Lan network, then try this USB 3.0 to #GigabitRJ45 Ethernet #LANAdapter. Very affordable and work 100%! Check out my #InyiVlogs review now!

1.Supports 10/ 100/ 1000 Mbps auto-sensing capability
USB 3 .0 Interface
2.Backward compatibility with USB 2 .0
Supports A uto MDIX (straig ht and cross network cable auto-detect ion
3.Supports USS full and high speed modes w ith bus power capability
IEEE 802.3, 802.3u, and 802.3ab (1O Base-T, 1OOBase-TX, and 1OOOBase-T.) compatible
4.Supports both full-duplex and half-duplex operation in Fast Ethernet
Supports Jumbo packet of up to 9 KB
5.Supports suspend mode and remote wakeup v ia link-up and magic packet
Plug and Play Installation

Video Editor: Filmora 9
Music: Filmora stock music.
Camera: iPhone 11

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