Is Matter Around Us Pure? (Class 9) Full Chapter Explanation

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Is Matter Around Us Pure? One shot video of chapter 2 class 9 science
Is matter around us pure? class 9 science detailed explanation with important questions
Class 9 science chapter 2 full explanation with question answer
Is matter around us pure by cbse guidance class 9
CBSE Guidance Class 9 Science

Most important questions:

0:00 Introduction 
01:20 Pure Substance
05:01 What is a Mixture?
11:57 Types of mixtures 
23:36 What is a Solution? (Examples, Properties)
35:38 Concentration of a solution 
01:02:39 What is a suspension? (Properties)
01:05:18 What is a colloidal solution? (Properties)
01:13:25 Difference between Sol, Solution and Suspension 
01:19:38 Separating the Components of a mixture 
01:21:06 How can we obtain coloured component (dye) from blue/black ink?
01:24:47 How can we separate cream from milk?
01:27:44 How can we separate a mixture of two immiscible liquids?
01:31:31 How can we separate a mixture of salt and camphor?
01:34:03 Is the dye in black ink a single colour?
01:38:32 How can we separate a mixture of two miscible liquids?
01:44:56 How can we obtain different gases from air?
01:50:10 How can we obtain pure copper sulphate from an impure sample?
01:59:17 Physical and chemical changes 
02:05:24 What are the types of pure substances?
02:05:42 Elements (metals, nonmetals and metalloids) 
02:11:03 Compounds 
02:18:53 Difference between mixtures and compounds

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