45 Reasons to ship NORALISE

Описание к видео 45 Reasons to ship NORALISE

This video has spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. But enjoy nonetheless!

0:14 Introducing two malevolent heretics that's been together for over a century
0:31 Everyone acknowledged their relationship
1:08 They had similar destructive behaviors
2:16 Their impulsiveness to cater to each other's ego
3:00 Cast spells next to each other
3:45 Mary-Lou thinks Nora beautiful all the time
3:58 Extremely protective of Nora's feelings (with fiery anger)
4:34 Had difficulties with family in the past until they found each other
5:03 And they've stayed together ever since
5:48 Mary-Lou's emotions are easily ruled over because of Nora
7:00 Nora's efforts to open Mary-Louise views on the modern world
8:51 Mary-Lou's need to impress Nora
9:37 Nora consistently finds Mary-Lou
10:04 They had their differences in moments that challenged their relationship
11:48 And they still care about each other
13:52 Their family supports them
14:38 The fact that moving on deosn't sit well with Nora
14:55 Celebrating Anniversaries
15:03 The Proposal
15:17 The broken proposal that eventually gave them growth
15:39 Mary-Louise randomly popping up in Nora's life
15:58 Regardless of the breakup Nora still avenges Mary-Lou
16:17 A jealous Mary-Lou
17:53 Knows when to apologize to each other
18:41 The Public Affections
18:52 They Loved each other
19:14 Nora's favorite poems that reminded her of her own love life with Mary-Louise
19:48 As materialistic as Nora may be, Mary-Louise was enough for her
20:05 Everytime they kiss
20:28 How badly Nora would go or do to get her Love back
21:13 Would rather die with Mary-Louise than spend her immortal years on earth without her
21:19 "My only motivaton is Mary-Louise. She's all I have in this world and i will not let her die!"

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