Damages Due To Alcohol | Liver cirrhosis disease | UjjwalBhavishya | Rehabilitation Center |

Описание к видео Damages Due To Alcohol | Liver cirrhosis disease | UjjwalBhavishya | Rehabilitation Center |

If you drink alcohol heavily for weeks, months, or years, you may have both mental and physical problems when you stop or seriously cut back on how much you drink. This is called alcohol withdrawal. Symptoms can range from mild to serious.
If you drink only once in a while, it's unlikely that you'll have withdrawal symptoms when you stop. But if you've gone through alcohol withdrawal once, you're more likely to go through it again the next time you call it quits

Causes of Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol has what doctors call a depressive effect on your system. It slows down brain function and changes the way your nerves send messages back and forth.

Over time, your central nervous system adjusts to having alcohol around all the time. Your body works hard to keep your brain in a more awake state and to keep your nerves talking to one another.
When the alcohol level suddenly drops, your brain stays in this keyed up state. That’s what causes withdrawal.

Mount Elizabeth Hospitals
Conditions & Diseases
Liver Cirrhosis (Liver Scarring)
Symptoms & Causes
Diagnosis & Treatment
Our Expertise & Doctors
What is liver cirrhosis?
Liver cirrhosis is the scarring of the liver.

The liver carries out many important functions including metabolism control, protein synthesis, vitamin and iron storage, bile production, as well as removal of toxins from the body. If the liver does not work properly, it can lead to severe complications and even death.

Cirrhosis occurs when healthy liver cells are replaced by scar tissue. Every time the liver is injured, it tries to repair itself. If the liver is continually injured, an increasing number of healthy liver cells are replaced by scar tissue. This eventually leads to the development of cirrhosis.
Liver cirrhosis symptoms may not show in the early stages of the disease. However, as the disease develops and enough liver damage has occurred, you will experience the following symptoms:

Black stools
Changes in personality and confusion in severe cases
Fluid build up in the abdomen (ascites)
Itchy skin
Jaundice (yellowish eyes and skin)
Loss of weight and loss of appetite
Red spider-looking spots on your chest and back (spider angiomas)
Sleeping difficulties
Swelling of the legs (oedema)
Tiredness and sleepiness
Vomiting blood
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