Friedrich Schleiermacher The Theological Bridge Between Enlightenment Belief

Описание к видео Friedrich Schleiermacher The Theological Bridge Between Enlightenment Belief

Explore the life of Friedrich Schleiermacher, who brought new ideas to theology and philosophy. This video looks at how he combined faith with modern thought and founded the study of hermeneutics. Please Visit our Website to get more information:

As a philosopher of mind, Schleiermacher argued for the dependence of the mind on
the body and saw the mind as a force. He thus stood in opposition to Descartes. His theory of hermeneutics combined his conceptualization of language and mind, and he argued that thought is virtually identical to language and that meaning inheres in word
usage. All interpretation is effectively an act of translation because there are profound linguistic and intellectual differences between people.

Adherence to doctrine impedes rather than facilitates both interpretation and translation. Indeed, Schleiermacher argued that interpretation is far more difficult than is commonly assumed. Whereas the mass of people believe that understanding occurs as a matter of course, Schleiermacher contended that misunderstanding occurs as a matter of course.
Understanding, therefore, cannot be assumed but must be actively sought and willed at
every turn.

His hermeneutic process was grounded in distinguishing between the meaning of a
text and the question of its truth. It is best to interpret a text without assuming its

This video concerns Friedrich Schleiermacher: The Theological Bridge Between Enlightenment & Belief | Philosophy Student. But It also covers the following topics:

Schleiermacher's Religious Influence
Modern Text Interpretation
Schleiermacher's Philosophical Impact

Video Title: Friedrich Schleiermacher: The Theological Bridge Between Enlightenment & Belief |

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