Описание к видео MOOG TAURUS 1 - CUSTOM MIDI

This Taurus 1 began its second life as a reject... a ‘scrap’ Moog Taurus 1 main-board purchased on eBay in April of 2008. The board was previously sacrificed to repair other Taurus 1’s and was sold as-is.

I envisioned a table-top unit with the switches and sliders mounted on a sloped chassis with MIDI implementation.

When I received the main-board, I was pretty excited except for broken preset slider handles, missing transistors, missing op amps, missing capacitors, a few holes in the PCB that weren’t supposed to be there and a ‘scrap’ notation written in magic marker. (The extra holes in the board looked like someone tried to drill a hole into the top of the original Moog chassis and the drill went through to the PCB by mistake). Also, I had to fabricate a power supply for +15/-15 and +5 Volts.

Skip to today... The Module accepts MIDI via a j-omega MTP-7 and is working as it should after repair and tuning!


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